What is LOVE INC
LOVE INC's Concept
Make a Differece
Where Do We Start
Bulletin Board
Prayer Requests
Praise Reports
Comparison of
Requests by Month
Angelina County
Area Churches
Affiliated LOVE INC Offices
Where are you going?
How to Become Part of the
LOVE INC Network
1. The Church chooses to participate, by whatever decision
making process used by your church.
A way to call the church is defined. We suggest that the church select two “Contact People” for LOVE INC to call with information about people in need.
The church will select one person to serve as the “Prayer Mobilization
Chairman” to receive prayer requests from LOVE INC.
4.We suggest that the church designate one Sunday as “LOVE INC Sunday”. On that day give each member of your congregation a “Mission Outreach Inventory”, allowing them to volunteer to do the things they have the abilities to do. That information is then given to the “Contact People” to use when called by LOVE INC volunteers. A summary of that information is forwarded to the LOVE INC office.
“Little Children, let us stop saying we love people, let us really love them and show it by our actions”
1 John 3:18